Sometimes when I’m sitting at the computer doing “computer things” (and when I say “computer things”, I mean “work-related computer things”), the telephone will ring. And sometimes when the telephone rings, I will answer it. And sometimes it will be someone doing a survey. And sometimes that survey will be a politically-themed survey, such as “ what are your thoughts as to how
the Prime Minister is running the country”. Which gets me to thinking that I would give each person who has reached the age of majority a glass of rum when they enter a polling booth on election day…this way more people will be enticed to come out and vote and perhaps if we are all a little tipsy when we vote, we might end up voting for a better candidate…I mean we’ve tried it the
“non-alcoholic way” for 146 years…it’s about time for a change!!!!!
(Oh, and where would the money come from to buy a glass of rum for
everyone who enters a polling booth?
Why, from a “slush fund” of course…
the Prime Minister is running the country”. Which gets me to thinking that I would give each person who has reached the age of majority a glass of rum when they enter a polling booth on election day…this way more people will be enticed to come out and vote and perhaps if we are all a little tipsy when we vote, we might end up voting for a better candidate…I mean we’ve tried it the
“non-alcoholic way” for 146 years…it’s about time for a change!!!!!
(Oh, and where would the money come from to buy a glass of rum for
everyone who enters a polling booth?
Why, from a “slush fund” of course…