"Cheers for 200 Years" Molson 200th Anniversary brochure - $30
from 1986
"The Beer Cans of Anheuser-Busch" - $35
from 1978
"Thirsty Work: Ten Years of Heineken Advertising" - $30
published in 1983
Inn Signs booklet - $15

small booklet (cover size approximately 6" x 4 1/2") published in 1969 by The Brewers' Society in London, England
....shows over 50 Inn signs and their meanings
....shows over 50 Inn signs and their meanings
"The Field Guide to North America's Breweries and Microbreweries" - $25

published in 1994..hardcover...192 pages
"Great Canadian Beer Guide" - $25

published in 1994...softcover...250 pages
"The World Guide to Beer" - $25

published in 1977...hardcover book...255 pages
"The International Book of Beer Labels, Mats & Coasters" - $25

published in 1979...hardcover book....93 pages
"Beers of North America" - $25

published in 1986...hardcover book...192 pages
"Beer of the World" - $25

published in 1994...hardcover book...192 pages
"Booze: A Distilled History" - $25

softcover book...History of Booze in Canada....published in 2004...497 pages
"The Molson Saga: 1763-1983" - $30

published in 1983..Frist Edition...hardover book...370 pages
"Beer Can Collecting" by Lew Cady - $10

softcover book...published in 1981
Labatt Breweries Company portfolio (1997)- $25

1997 Labatt Breweries Company Profile brochure - $10

Labatt Beer Enthusiast's Entertainment Review magazine - $20

Volume 1, Issue 1...1995
Labatt "Beer" magazine - $20

Volume 1 - Premiere Issue...1995
Labatt "Beer" magazine - $10

Volume 2,
Issue 1
Issue 1
Labatt "Beer" magazine - $10

Volume 2,
Issue 2
Issue 2
"The Brewmaster's Craft" by Labatt's - $10

Issue No Two, Fall 1997
The Molson Companies Corporate Profile (1992) - $5

Molson Brewery booklet - $5

Moosehead Breweries Limited portfolio - $25

1995 Sleeman Brewing & Malting Co. Synopsis - $15

Sleeman Brewing & Malting Scrapbook - $15

Upper Canada Brewing Company portfolio - $30

"Brewing in Canada" - $15

published by The Brewers of Canada
Bow Valley Brewing Co. Ltd. "Brew News" - $15
Lake of the Woods "The LOWBrewCo Good Times" - $25
River City Brewing Co. "River City Journal" - $25

Edition 1....late 1990's
Big Rock Brewery "Big Rock Times" - $25

Vol 1, Issue 3...Summer 1998
Conners Brewery "Brehouse News" - $25

Vol 1, No 1...Summer 1995
Creemore Springs Brewery Limited " Froth Talk" - $25

Issue # 11...February 15 1995
Taylor and Bate Brewery "The Blower" - $25

Volume 1, Number 1....Spring 2000
Firehouse Brewing Co. "Firehouse Brewer's Post" - $25

Vol 2, Edition 1
"Brew North" - $30

Volume 1, Number 1....September 1999
"Brew North" - $25

Volume 1, Number 3....November 1999
"Brew North" - $25

Volume 1, Number 4....December 1999
"Brew North" - 25

Volume 2, Number 3....April 2000
"Midwest Beer Notes" - $20

February-March 1993...Issue No 5
"Midwest Beer Notes" - $20

October-November 1997....Issue No 32
"Midwest Beer Notes" - $20

October-November 1998....Issue No 37
"Midwest Beer Notes" - $20

December 1998-January 1999....Issue No 38
"Beer Can Collectors News Report" - $25

New Member Issue
"Beer Can Collectors News Report" Special Edition - $35
"Beer Can Collectors News Report" - $25
"Beer Can Collectors News Report" - $25
"Beer Can Collectors News Report" - $25
"Beer Can Collectors News Report" - $25

Vol 21, No 3....May/June 1991
"Beer Can Collectors News Report" - $25

September/October 1993
"Beer Can Collectors News Report" - $25

December 1993
"Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles" - $25

February 1994
"Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles" - $25

April/May 1994
"Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles" - $25

June/July 1994
"Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles" - $25

August/Setember 1994
"Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles" - $25

October/November 1994
"Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles" - $25

December/January 1995
"Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles" - $25

April/May 1996
"Beer Cans Monthly" - $25

August 1982
"All About Beer" - $10
"All About Beer" - $10
"All About Beer" - $10
"All About Beer" - $10
"All About Beer" - $10
"All About Beer" - $10
"All About Beer" - $10
"All About Beer" - $10

July 1999
"Beer Connoisseur" - $10

Vol 2, No 4....Nov/Dec 1994